Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Solo Rider, the uniqueness of riding which will not find in Indonesia


IllustrationIllustration - Some time ago, Gunadi had stopped by the Office of Adira Dynamics Multifinance, the city of Pekanbaru. Those in their mission departed from Jakarta to the Himalayas.


Some time ago, the distance traveled to the city of Pekanbaru, on Thursday, August 30th 2018, was around 1,000 km from the total plan of 15,000 km. Gunadi rides a Vortex type Viar motorcycle with a 250 cc engine.


The mission he carried out was in road safety action, the success of national development, environmental preservation, friendship between nations and brotherhood has no border


In Pekanbaru, Gunadi said he would cross various terrain roads. "From the route to be taken, there will be diverse roads. There are smooth asphalt, rocks, sand, penetrating forests and mountains to snow with extreme weather below minus 10 degrees Celsius in the Himalayan mountains," said Thursday (8/30) then.


On Sunday (9/9), he entered Myanmar. He delivered a unique story when he entered the Military Junta country.


"How to enter Myanmar is different from other countries. There are special rules that are very troublesome," he said, quoted from on Wednesday (12/9).


Gunadi said that the difficult rules were that travelers who entered their own vehicles had to enter in groups. "I have been waiting for a while, waiting for explorers between other countries in Mae Sot, a city located on the border between Thailand and Myanmar," Gunadi said.


He said, Gunadi could only continue after meeting a pair of German explorers driving a car. They also joined Myanmar together.


"Every rider who wants to tour South Asia and Europe must pass Mae Sot. In Mae Sot, I have to regroup with several other world riders," Gunadi said through his written statement on Monday (09/10/2018).


Gunadi is scheduled to explore the Myanmar region for about five days. Before going into Indian territory.


"When entering Myanmar, the vehicle path used is right, similar to the European route. Be careful, adaptation must be done," Gunadi said.


Gunadi began his journey from Jakarta on 26 August. He is scheduled to arrive in the Himalayas on the commemoration of Youth Oath Day on October 28.

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