Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

A picture of a mother hugging the lifeless body of her baby flew around the world!


A picture of a mother hugging the lifeless body of her babyA picture of a mother hugging the lifeless body of her baby - This amazing photo of a monkey, clutching the baby in her paws, is a real miracle of maternal love!

The 31-year-old Avanash Lodhi, who lives in India, managed to capture an amazing moment. The photo shows how the monkey weeps bitterly, embracing the lifeless body of its child.

It would seem that nothing can comfort a suffering mother. Fortunately, soon after this shot was made, her baby came to itself!

Here's what Avinash said about this: "This picture made my heart shrink, because throughout my photographer's career I've never seen anything like it!"

This picture was taken in the state of Madhya Pradesh, in central India. Avinash said that everything happened so quickly that he didn’t even really understand what had happened. But when the photographer saw the finished photo, he remained silent for an hour.

This can rarely be seen, especially when photographing animals. Here it is - the healing power of maternal love!

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