Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Turkey Changes the Name of Road in Front of the New Building of the US Embassy So Malcolm X


Turkey cityTurkey city -  For the umpteenth time, the Turkish Government changed the name of the road in front of the US Embassy building.

A road in front of the new US Embassy building will be replaced with Jalan Malcolm X.

The new US Embassy building will be located in the Cukurambar district, on the western outskirts of the capital city of Ankara, precisely on Jalan 1478.

Launching from The New Arab, the name change of the road after going through a meeting by the Ankara city council and unanimously agreed that the road will be named Jalan Malcolm X.

Malcolm X was a figure of the black Muslim movement in the US in the late 1950s. He is one of the leaders of the Nation of Islam or NOI movement.

He then changed his name to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz after performing the Hajj.
Malcolm X was killed by a group of armed men who still had links to the NOI in 1965. But his name is still remembered as a hero by black Muslims in the US.

The proposal to change the name of the road came from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who had previously met the daughter of Malcolm X on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York last month.

"At that time President Erdogan promised Malcolm X's children that their father's name would continue to live in the Turkish capital," the Ankara city government said in a statement.

The new US embassy building is currently under construction and is planned to be completed in 2020. While the US Embassy building currently operating is still on the Zeytin Dali Street or the Olive Branch in Turkish.

The name of the road was also recently changed in February, following the launch of the Ankara Olivine military operation into Syria which is fighting Kurdish groups.
The military operation had raised concerns from Washington. The Turkish government changed the name of the road to the road in front of the embassy of the United Arab Emirates, which is now the Ottoman Road.

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