Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Foods that can help you to reduce the smell of your body odor


IllustrationIllustration - Body odor can affect one’s self-confidence. It can be caused by many factors, such as genetics, health problem, hygiene and eating pattern.

Without us knowing, there are actually some foods that can cause a horrible body odor if consumed. Among those foods are broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic and red onion. On the other hand, there are also foods that can decrease the strong smell of body odor if consumed.

1.      Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known to be able to get rid of bad breath. But it turns out that it can be used to decrease body odor as well. You just have to chew a cinnamon twice a day, and if you do that regularly, your body odor may disappear.

2.      Lemon

Other than helping decrease weight and taking out toxins from the body, lemon can also help body odor problem. The acid content in lemon can kill bacteria that produce odor inside our body, which in turn will decrease our body odor. To be safe, you should drink a glass of lemon juice once a day to take out all the toxins in your body.

3.      Green tea

Green tea is believed to be able to make body odor disappear. The antioxidant in green tea can decrease bacteria that produce odor inside the body. Try drinking two cups of green teas once a day and see how it works.

4.      Orange

Just like lemon, orange can help get rid of body odor because the acid content in it can kill bacteria that produce odor. Try consuming any foods or drinks that contain oranges.

5.      Coconut oil

Do you know that bad digestion system can also cause body odor? To solve the problem, try drinking a spoon of coconut oil a day to help make your digestion system run smoothly.

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