Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

The habit of excessive eating when you are felt upset


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet -  Some people try to vent their anger or frustration, or to release their sadness, by eating. Eating your favorite food can make life feel better.

According to the special report of Lose Weight and Keep It Off from Harvard, it happens often. In fact, there are parts in our brain that feel happiness from sweets or high-fat food. Several psychological studies show that this behavior in finding happiness will be done over and over again. In other words, people will always run to food whenever they are angry, sad, or upset to seek comfort from the food.

However, this habit we call emotional eating is not a good solution. It is beneficial for a short while. But in the long run, it will only give you stress, especially if you gain weight because of it.

Emotional eating is usually done to repress negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger, fear, sadness and loneliness. Negative incidents that happen in one’s life, like relationship problem, financial pressure or conflict at workplace, can also cause this habit.

The fact is that our emotion is tied to our eating habit. People unconsciously eat a lot more when they are stressed or angry. This can lead to a bad cycle. When you eat a lot, you will gain weight, which will cause you more stress. Then, you will eat a lot more because of that stress.

The best way in handling the habit of emotional eating is by turning your attention away from food for at least 5 minutes. You can do other things, such as walking around, listening to music, dancing, or conversing with other people. The more activity you do, the more you can forget about eating. If it still does not work, then you may want to seek the help from the professionals for therapy.





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