Friday, 19 Apr 2024

Is it true that if we are in our menstruation period and go swimming the color of the water will change?, this is the answer


IllustrationIllustration - Many people think that when women are menstruating it is not recommended to exercise, especially swimming. Maybe the assumption is just a myth.

One obstetrician, Maria Sophocles, which quoted from, November 13th 2018, said that exercising for women who are menstruating is still recommended because it is useful to reduce symptoms of pain due to menstruation.

Maria explained there is no prohibition to move actively and exercise during menstruation because menstruation does not affect exercise, and vice versa.

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But how about we if we are in our menstruation period and doing activities in the sea, like swimming. Some say that in the presence of blood, it can be dangerous and provoke the arrival of hunting animals such as sharks.


This makes most women experience fear of swimming in the sea while menstruating. As a result, if they are on vacation to the beach or sea during menstruation, they only choose to walk on the sand.

The assumption turned out is only a myth. Maybe you think if you swim in the sea while menstruating, menstrual blood will come out and will invite sharks to come near you.

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This assumption is wrong, because so far there have been no studies that prove sharks will be tempted by the scent of human menstrual blood.

Maria Sophocles said that it is quite safe to swim and dive as usual in the sea while menstruating. And the most frightening thing is, when swimming menstrual blood will come out and penetrate into the water so that the color of the water around becomes red. If this happens it will be very embarrassing.

However, do you know if menstrual blood will not come out while swimming even though the blood that comes out during menstruation is so much.

The statement proved the writing from a book entitled Book of Truths which states that blood vessels tend to close or constrict when coming into contact with water so that it is safe for you to play during menstruation.

So you can conclude that swimming in the sea during menstruation is not dangerous and is safe to do while PMS symptoms do not appear.


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