Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Workers in Indonesian are the group that has the greater risk of diabetes than any other groups


IllustrationIllustration - Basic health research (Riskesdas) shows diabetes mellitus in Indonesia rose from 6.9 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2018. Adults, especially workers are vulnerable to experience it. "Actually, the limit of our risk is greater than the age of 40. However, the fact that we found at the clinic, underage people are also at risk " said Dr. Suharko Soebardi, SpPD-KEMD from the Division of Metabolic Endocrine Department of Internal Medicine University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, when met recently.

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Dr. Suharko Soebardi explained that the routine of the workers, especially those who work from morning to night, made them tend to forget about healthy activity such as exercising and eating food with balanced nutrition. Lack of exercise and overweight is one of the risk factors that cause diabetes. He suggested that workers do more physical activity and exercise in order to reduce the risk of diabetes.

"The most difficult thing to do in Jakarta is exercising because the streets are jammed, went to work at morning, and left at night" said Dr. Suharko. "But the problem in our opinion is that you dont have a time, but you dont want to create a time for exercise. "

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