Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

According to study, Monday is the day most people did suicide in Japan


IllustrationIllustration -It feels like everyone agree, Monday morning with all its complexity is the most stressful time of the week. A study confirmed this by revealing the high suicide rate in Japan on Monday morning.

Scientists from Waseda University and Osaka University observed 873,000 suicides recorded in Japan between 1974 and 2014. They analyzed them from various sides, ranging from age, sex, to the time of the incident.

As a result, men aged 40-65 years most committed suicide on Monday morning between 4:00 and 7:59, with the highest peak in the period 1995-2014. This is believed to be the time when someone wants to go to work.

Quoted from The Telegraph, the suicide rate during the day in this age group is 1.57 times higher than at night. On Monday, the suicide rate was 1.55 times higher than on Saturday.

Suicide is often motivated by psychological problems, such as stress and depression. A British organization that provides psychiatric counseling services, Samaritans, recently created a suicide prevention campaign which they named 'Small Talk Saves Lives'.

When you see other people showing signs of suicide, someone has to encourage them to do something. One of them is by talking, because any simple conversation can divert someone from suicidal thoughts.

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