Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

What Happens to the Brain When Someone Kills?


HS and his victimsHS and his victims -  The police intensively examined the man with the initials HS in the case of the murder of one family in Bekasi. In that case, it was alleged that the man named HS was the suspect.

Murder, however its form, always sounds cruel and sadistic. 

But what exactly happens to the human brain when they kill? 
Is it the same as animal instinct for survival?

Quoted from Time, the human brain is encoded for feelings of compassion, guilt, and empathic pain that cause a person to intentionally hurt to make others feel the same as him. A study conducted by psychologists at Monash University Melbourne to better understand what happened to the brain of a murderer.

They recruited 48 subjects and asked them to scan their brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) devices when they watched three videos with different scenarios. One video shows a soldier killing an enemy soldier, then the soldier kills civilians, and finally a soldier who shoots but not about anyone.

All subjects watched the video from a soldier's perspective and were given the final question "Who did you shoot?" and must press a button that indicates their answer. After being scanned, they were also asked to use a rating of 1-7, how much guilt they felt in each scenario.

"I will focus first on the orbitofrontal cortex activity, an area in the front of the brain that has long been known to be involved in moral sensitivity, moral values and determinants of how to behave. The nearest Temporoparietal junction (TPJ) also plays a role in this moral burden, processing taste agency - the act of doing something intentionally so that it has responsibility for it, "said Pascal Molenberghs, one of the psychologists.

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