Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Fireworks explosion at the church in Mexico, 8 people died, including 2 children


IllustrationIllustration - The unfortunate incident has killed these eight people, and included two children at a religious festival. The incident was triggered by an explosion of fireworks.

In addition, as many as 50 other people also suffered injuries from the explosion. The incident happened in a church in Mexico on Tuesday, December 11th 2018 night local time. Reporting from AFP, on Wednesday, December 12th 2018.

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The two children died were 11 and 12 years old.

From the news report, the incident at dawn when the procession was held at the San Jose parish atrium in Tequisquiapan, which is 145 kilometers northwest of Mexico City, Mexico's capital.

"Something went wrong and the fireworks exploded," said emergency official in the Queretaro region, Gabriel Bastarrachea.

He stated that the fireworks used for the festival were obtained from donations from the parish.

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The footage spread on social media, shows a crowd of people walking together toward the church in a procession. Suddenly a big explosion took place and a blaze of fire also appeared. Scattered people fled to safety while shouting.

The fireworks industry in Mexico is said to be the place to produce explosive fireworks that will get demands and questions from the authorities.

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