Friday, 26 Apr 2024

This is the expert answer why you are fat


IllustrationIllustration - Most people think fat people are identical with people who like to eat a lot. Love to snack at midnight or eating up to three servings at once. Are those fat people gluttonous? According to nutritionists, Jansen Ongko, fat people don’t mean that they are gluttonous.

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Frequent eating can also happen due to stress. "Fat people are not gluttonous. They eat not because they like it, but it is impingement. For example, if there is a deadline, and make them stress, they soon will eat to reduce their anxiety due to the stress" he said.

Jansen told that he once was fat. If you look at his current body, most people will not believe it. At that time, his weight reached 105 kg.

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To get the ideal body shape, Jansen suggested to solve the root of the problem, because obesity happens not because of food but the lack of movement. "The solution is to find out first the reason why you keep eating in large portion. If you know this, it can be avoided. So for simple is, the problem is not in the food, but your lack of movement" he concluded.

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