Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Did small penis related to the fertility rate of man?, this is the answered from a study


IllustrationIllustration - Quoted from the Telegraph, it was found that men who have fertility problems tend to have penis sizes that are shorter or below average (measurements are based on the average size of the erection). But there's no need to panic, the researchers assured that a small penis size might not necessarily indicate infertility.

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Study co-author, Dr. Austen Slade explained that smaller penis size could be an indicator of health problems associated with fertility, such as undescended testicles. "Men who have small penises don't need to worry about their fertility. Future studies will look for the truth of whether penis size is an indicator of fertility or not" Slade said.

They note that fertility is also determined by the quality of sperm, and sperm produced from the testis, not the penis. Although indeed for most men size is important, but that can’t be used as a determinant factor of your ability to have children.

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If you're worried about your fertility, you can check with your doctor. Or you can use natural ways to improve sperm health by limiting alcohol consumption, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and maintaining body weight.

Dr. Paul Turek, urologist, fertility and sexual health expert for men from San Francisco said that humans are the owner of the largest penis from all of the mammals on earth. "If one centimeter of penis size is very influential on human fertility, it is clear that we will quickly become extinct. Remember, if the size is indeed important, then dinosaurs still roam the earth now" he said.

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