Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Did you know, turns out the ring of Saturn is much younger than the planet itself


IllustrationIllustration - Not long ago, NASA reported that Saturn would lose its ring in the future. Even though it would be strange to find out that Saturn's ring would disappear, who would have thought that the planet did existed longer without its ring.

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New findings from the United States space agency showed that the Saturn ring was formed in the span of 10-100 million years ago. When compared to the age of the planet itself, the age of the ring is still considered very 'young'.

Saturn was existed for around 4.5 billion years ago. Yes, it already existed in the early days of the formation of this Solar System. When compared to the age of the Earth, Saturn's rings are also still 'young'. From the perspective of the Earth, Saturn's ring formed when dinosaurs came to power on this Blue Planet.

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This fact is the result of the efforts of Cassini which orbiting Saturn at a very close distance. He did it in 2017, towards the end of his mission. Cassini did this to find out the ring mass and what material it has.

From Cassini's action, NASA can find out how much gravity attracts the space vehicle. The lower mass refers to the younger age of the ring. This is because the rings that tend to be bright and mostly contain ice will be contaminated and darkened by space dust in the long period.

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