Friday, 19 Apr 2024

How to return the form after the holidays? 9 rules to help lose weight. Part 1


How to return the form after the holidays? 9 rules to help lose weightHow to return the form after the holidays? 9 rules to help lose weight - On holidays it is difficult to adhere to proper nutrition and there is a risk to eat too much. As a result - extra pounds. Natalia Barchenko, a professional nutrition expert, told how to lose weight after the holidays.

1. No fasting
The most important thing is not to start starving dramatically. The body will take it as stress, which means that in the future there may be even more weight problems. It is better to stay on a fractional diet with frequent snacks. At night it is better not to eat (2-3 hours before bedtime).

2. Observe drinking mode.
Before breakfast, be sure to drink a glass of water. Preferably 20-30 minutes before the first meal. During the day, also do not forget to drink - in the day you should drink 1.5 -2 liters of water. But before bedtime it is better not to drink a lot of water so that in the morning there is no edema.

3. Separate carbohydrates and proteins
Nutritionist advises in the morning to eat complex carbohydrates (porridge), so you get a charge of vivacity for the whole day. In the afternoon, protein food is preferable - meat. Natalia doesn’t recommend mixing proteins and carbohydrates in one meal. It is better not to eat carbohydrates after dinner. In the diet, give preference to low-fat fish and chicken or turkey breast. Cooking meat and fish is better steamed or in the oven.

4. Arrange a fasting day
Yes, you should not starve, but you can arrange a fasting day. One of the best options is fasting days on buckwheat. Boil 500g of cereals for the night - this will be your diet the next day. In the morning, the resulting porridge should be divided into small portions: you should get from 4-6 meals. Try on a fasting day to eat without salt, seasonings and without sour cream and other sauces. In addition to 2 liters of non-carbonated water, you can also drink green tea without sugar.

5. Nothing harmful
Try to completely abandon junk food for a while. First of all, from fried and fatty, fast food in all its manifestations. Naturally, you shouldn’t eat meat products, mayonnaise, cakes and rolls during this period. At lunchtime, it is allowed to eat toast from rye or cereal bread.

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