Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Matteo Politi, fake doctor that had performed many surgeries to his patients is being searched by the police


Matteo PolitiMatteo Politi - This man has been practicing medicine for months. The man, known as the Matty Mode, has performed various plastic surgeries, and recently found out that the man was a fake doctor. Matty Mode, which has the real name Matteo Politi, disguised himself as a plastic surgeon who was quite famous in Romania. He has been running a plastic surgery clinic since March last year.

Now Matty is in the middle of a police search. After his disguise was uncovered by the police, Matty escaped and now his presence could not be detected. Matty's case is likened to the film Catch Me If You Can, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. In the movie, Leo worked as a pilot, lawyer and doctor and he successfully tricked everyone to believe that he is an honest man.

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According to reports, he ran away after his fake documents were exposed. Staff at the beauty clinic began to suspect him after he had difficulty to wear latex gloves and did not wash his hands before the surgery.

He did not only do plastic surgery, but also gave lectures on medicine. After being Investigated, Matty did not even graduate from high school. He had done a similar disguise in Romania and claimed to be a plastic surgeon from England. The Italian man was jailed in 2011 for identity fraud. To convince his patients, Matty even made a Facebook account. He posted photos and videos of himself doing a surgery.

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