Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Apple products can speak with the voice of Barbie doll


Apple products can speak with the voice of Barbie dollApple products can speak with the voice of Barbie doll - Apple products may begin to speak with Barbie's voice soon. A company from Cupertino bought «Pullstring” - a toy application startup company.

Exactly there the «Hello Barbie» program was created. The price of the deal has not been disclosed today, but according to existing estimates, it reaches at least $ 30 million. Experts believe that the purpose of buying a startup is Apple’s desire to somewhat expand Siri’s existing capabilities to make it more competitive against the background key competitors of Amazon and Google.

In 2018, LoopVentures experts implemented a comparative analysis of the functionality of three voice assistants. As it turned out, within a few months Siri gave correct answers to a greater number of questions when compared with Amazon Alexa. The first reached the bar of 74.6%, the second 72.5%. The most promising in this matter was Google Assistant, which showed 87.9% of the correct answers. «Pullstring», bought by Apple, was created by a group of ex-employees «Pixar» in 2011. After this period, the company was able to get the highest rating among investors.

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