Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Liquid Metal Terminator Heart


The heart of liquid metal like by Terminator.The heart of liquid metal like by Terminator. - Scientists from the University of Wollongong in Australia have created an unusual mechanism of the softest metal on the planet - gallium.

By placing a drop of liquid gallium inside a circular electrode, and acting on it with electricity, the scientists managed to simulate the beating of the human heart. The speed of this “heart rate” of gallium can be regulated by varying the strength of the electric current.

Researchers are confident that this can be the basis for creating nourishment for the organs and muscles of humanoid robots, reports «New Scientist».

In such conditions, gallium can be programmed for constant cycling work, and the liquid will penetrate into all planes of the mechanism.

Scientists admitted that they were inspired to study the movie "Terminator-2". After another viewing of the film and the «T-1000» robot, they had the idea to create a “liquid heart”, which could serve as a new impetus in robotics.

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