Friday, 19 Apr 2024

A pair of couple was found by residents on the hill, it's condition...


A pair of couple was found by residents on the hill, it's condition...A pair of couple was found by residents on the hill, it's condition... - Two bodies were found rotting on a hill Rongkang Beach, West Kwanyar Village, District Kwanyar, Bangkalan District. Both bodies were allegedly a pair of lovers sought during the last two months.

A male victim named Ahmat, 20, while the body of a woman named Ani Fauziya Laili, 17. Both are residents of Becenan Village, Banyubesi Village, Trageh District.

Their bodies were found on Saturday, July 22, 2017 and by grass-seekers. Its position is crawling under a rocky niche. When found, the condition of the body has decomposed, the head has become a skull. Meanwhile, hands and feet tied rope.

Head of Public Relations Bangkalan Police, AKP Bidarudin said the identity of the lovers was revealed the day after the discovery of the body. Two families in Banyubesi reported to have lost two members of his family.

"Missing since two months ago," he said, Tuesday, July 25, 2017.

The two families were also invited by police to the corpse room of RSUD Syamrabu Bangkalan to identify the bodies based on the things that the victims were wearing such as pants, t-shirts, and veils. The victim's parents believe the two bodies are their children who have not returned home since two months ago.

"After that, the corpse was handed over to the family for burial," said Bidarudin.

Until now, investigators have not been able to confirm the cause of the deaths of both victims. But looked the condition of the victim whose hands are tied rope, allegedly they are victims of murder. Seeing the location of the discovery of the corpse that is a hill in Rongkang Beach, strong allegations are both victims of the law.

Moreover, long before the discovery of the bodies, the beach area is quiet and slum is known as a place prone to prisoners. This allegation strengthened the disappearance of motorcycles and mobile phones belonging to the victim.

"Missing since two months ago," he said, Tuesday, July 25, 2017.

The two families were also invited by police to the corpse room of RSUD Syamrabu Bangkalan to identify the bodies based on the things that the victims were wearing such as pants, t-shirts, and veils. The victim's parents believe the two bodies are their children who have not returned home since two months ago.

"After that, the corpse was handed over to the family for burial," said Bidarudin.

Until now, investigators have not been able to confirm the cause of the deaths of both victims. But looked the condition of the victim whose hands are tied rope, allegedly they are victims of murder.

Moreover, long before the discovery of the bodies, the beach area is quiet and slum is known as a place prone to prisoners. Their motorcycles and mobile phones belonging to the victim.

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