Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Never have breakfast in the morning can increase the risk of you getting heart attack


IllustrationIllustration - A study revealed the bad effects of never having breakfast. The risk of heart disease in this study increased 87 percent in people who always started their morning activities on an empty stomach. Scientists from the University of Iowa conducted the study by analyzing data from a span of 18 years, involving 6,550 participants aged 40 years and over.

Participants are grouped based on the frequency of breakfast. In participants who never had breakfast at all, the risk of getting heart disease was observed to be 87 percent higher. This is alarming because 23.8 percent of young people in the United States never have a breakfast.

Because it doesn't have breakfast, hunger comes sooner in the afternoon. The tendency to snack on unhealthy ones will increase due to that. In addition, blood sugar levels in the morning will be lower. Then at lunch, the sugar levels immediately jumped. This makes blood sugar levels unstable and has the risk of disrupting metabolism.

Breakfast has long been believed to be part of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, people who are accustomed to breakfast generally also apply other healthy lifestyles such as diligent exercise and regular sleep patterns. This combination of various good habits reduces the risk of heart disease.

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