Friday, 19 Apr 2024

These are the health risks that will suffer by pregnant women if they don't fulfill their water needs


IllustrationIllustration - Adequate fluids are one of the important things to fulfill for pregnant women especially in this Ramadhan. In this month of Ramadan, pregnant women who participate in fasting will have another challenge because of their need for more fluids.

Normally, fluid needs depend on the weight of the pregnant woman. Obstetrics and gynecologists from FKUI-RSCM, Dr. Dr. Rima Irwinda, SpOG (K) exemplified for example the weight of 50 kg multiplied by 30 cc - 40 cc so in a day pregnant woman has to drink 2000 cc or 2 liters to meet their fluid needs.

"Indeed, it is difficult, it is often reminded by doctors that they have to drink a lot, about two liters. But it feels like 2 liters of water is a lot, and that thought make us unable to drink as needed" explained Dr. Rima when met at UI Depok Hospital on Wednesday, May 15th 2019.

Dehydration or lack of fluids can be dangerous for pregnant women because they can reduce the amniotic fluid in the uterus and affect fetal development. Besides the lack of fluids means the possibility of urinating will decrease, thus increasing the risk of urinary tract infections due to accumulation of bacteria in the area, he continued.

Therefore, added by the Head of the Maternity Department of the University of Indonesia (UI) Nursing Faculty, and Dr. Imami Nur Rachmawati, SKp, MSc on the same occasion, adequate fluid is essential for pregnant women especially if they perform fasting.

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