Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Xiaomi and Ikea are collaborating to create a wireless charging table


IllustrationIllustration - Imagine charging a smartphone just by putting it on top of the table. That's the product that wanted to create by the collaboration of Xiaomi and Ikea: a table with wireless charging capabilities, aka wireless charging table.

The existence of this table is proclaimed by The cool thing is that the wireless charging carried by this table reaches the power of 20W. On paper that much power can charge the cellphone, which supports wireless charging technology, quite quickly.

However, the wireless charging process does not seem to be able to be done in all parts of the table and can only be done at certain points. This was revealed by a number of advanced images revealed by Xiaomi.

The table indicated as a DIY (Do It Yourself) product is basically an ordinary table that can be bought in Ikea with CHY 119 and then equipped with a Xiaomi wireless charging module for CHY 99. As with DIY products, this wireless charging table can be assembled on its own by spending around CHY 218. But, again, charging a smartphone can only be done right above the wireless charging module that is installed under the table.

Versi Mobile
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