Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Japanese government bans the use of microwave due to its dangerous radio wave?


IllustrationIllustration - Hoax about health on social media is endless. Recently the news circulated that the Japanese government is banning the microwave use because it was feared that radiation is dangerous for human health. The following is a partial excerpt from the circulating message:

"The reason for the ban on ‘microwave oven’ in the land of the Rising Sun is research by scientists from Hiroshima University, where they found that its ’radio waves’ caused greater damage to people's health, and using microwave oven is more dangerous than the effect of the bombing of nuclear weapons from American aircraft in September 1945.

The Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) confirmed that the news is a hoax. Search found that information came from the Russian satire site "Information about Japan who will ban the use of the microwave oven is then disseminated through social media without including warning parody information as stated on the Russian parody site" the official website said.

The World Health Organization (WHO) explained that microwave-cooked foods do not have harmful radiation. Microwave oven is designed in such a way that they are safe for everyday use. The way it works is when the oven turns on, microwaves are released to vibrate food molecules and cause heat. In this way the food will then cook evenly.

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