Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Jakarta police arrested 183 rioters who received payment for rioting


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet -  West Jakarta Metro Police have arrested 183 rioters on the Slipi flyover on Wednesday, May 22, 2019. 

Police have mapped groups of rioters who are said to have received payments for rioting. 

"We already know the maps. Who gives money and others will be explored," West Jakarta Police Chief Sr. Comr. Hengki Haryadi told reporters in his office, Slipi, West Jakarta on Thursday, May 23 2019.

Hengki confirmed that the suspects were paid masses. The suspects were deliberately ordered to riot in the action. "So it's the clue, they get money, one group, for committing crimes," said Hengki.

There are some indications that the masses who came were to create riots, not to express their opinions in public regarding the results of the 2019 election. "Do expressing opinions in public have to use sharp weapons, are they using Molotov cocktails? Are bow?" he said.

Police found indications that rioters had deliberately prepared equipment to attack members of the police who had secured the action.

"We will bring this (bow) to the laboratory because it is based on intelligence before it is used, (bow) is dipped in certain substances. We will check," said Hengki.






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