Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Can we revive the dead? Researchers still find the way


IllustrationIllustration - In 1880, physicist Giovanni Aldini was suddenly famous for his spectacular demonstration of reviving human and animal corpses by stimulating them to use powerful electric shocks. The trick is to connect the battery to a human or animal that’s being cut off and caused the corpse to shake as if they were alive.

The audience was amazed, but of course, the creature in this experiment never came back to life. Aldini knew she did not revive the dead. Nevertheless there are still many scientists who try to do it.

Quoted from Live Science, in 2011, a 46-year-old woman named Kelly Dwyer fell into a frozen pond when she disappeared in New Manhattan. Dwyer's heart stopped before the ambulance could reach him and his body temperature dropped to near 15 degrees Celsius.

At that time, Dwyer had died for 5 hours before the doctor successfully brought her back to life. She of course is not a zombie, but in a sense, she has returned from the dead. "Quite a lot of people come back spontaneously a few minutes after a heart attack which is often called the Lazarus phenomenon" the site was quoted as saying.

Not everyone who experiences Lazarus's phenomenon regains full neurological function or lives longer, but a 2007 review estimated that about 35% of Lazarus phenomenon patients returned to their normal and healthy lives.

After hundreds of years of failed experiments, some scientists are still trying to revive human corpses manually. Over the past three years, Bioquark, Inc., a US biotechnology company, had been tried because 20 patients died clinically in trials they did to bring back dead people to live.

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