Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

This woman becomes the youngest person to visit each country on earth


Lexie AlfordLexie Alford -  Lexie Alford landed in North Korea on May 31, 2019 and broke a title as the youngest person to visit each country in the world! 

For Lexie, traveling has always been a big part of her life given that her parents run a travel agency and it almost seems now that she had been working on traveling to visit all 196 nations since she was a child even though she had no such plans.

Talking about how important traveling has been to her and her family, she says:

"Travel has been a part of my life since before I can remember. My parents would take me out of school and place me on independent study for weeks and months at a time every year."

She traveled extensively even as a child and by the time she grew up, she had already seen a whole lot of the world from Cambodia to Egypt. 

While she’s always loved traveling and that has been a huge part of life, she wasn’t running after achieving the title per say:

"Honestly, in the beginning, I simply wanted to push the limits of what I thought I could do with my life and see as much of the world as possible in the process. It wasn't until things started getting really challenging that I realized I was inspiring people around me, especially young women. Feeling that support meant that I couldn't give up when things got tough. I was determined to show everyone that the world isn't as scary as the media portrays it to be and that there's kindness everywhere."

Now, traveling isn’t the most inexpensive activity and yes, all of us are wondering about how she managed to do it all at such a young age. 

She’s shed some light on how to realize your travel plans in simple ways and it truly is helpful.

"I do a lot of research in advance to find the best deals, utilize points for my flights, stay in cheap accommodation like hostels or create content for hotels in exchange for accommodation. I've also made sure to keep my monthly overhead as low as possible by living at home with my parents, I don't have a car payment or student debt and I don't spend my money on unnecessary material possessions."






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