Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Traveling to Kuldhara in India, the condition in this city very mystical and terrible....


Traveling to Kuldhara in India, the condition in this city very mystical and terrible....Traveling to Kuldhara in India, the condition in this city very mystical and terrible.... -  If you have travelling to India, there is an old city called Kuldhara which is believed to be the most creepy ghost town.

The city is located in the desert is reportedly shrouded by a curse that is believed to terrorize anyone who visits it.

Formerly, the town of Kuldhara was a settlement for the Paliwal Brahmins. But without known the exact cause, all residents of Kuldhara city suddenly disappeared mysteriously.

The incident was believed by citizens because the government's atrocity at that time that requires every citizen to pay a very expensive tribute.

The government also committed atrocities by torturing the women and raping her in turns.

The residents of Kuldhara city who could not bear with the circumstances, chose to go from that city and their condemn of the government and that place with the curse of anyone who occupies their home will experience tragic events and died suddenly.

Kuldhara City which once had a remarkable beauty now leaving only ancient buildings abandoned for more than 200 years.

Of course the condition is increasingly making the city haunted of Kuldhara. That fact it has been proven by a team of Indian ghost hunters.

When their stay in that godforsaken city for two days, they have many experienced horrific mystical, which made them uneasy and chose to left the city.

All the equipment and communications that they brought into the city were suddenly destroyed. So they were completely isolated from the outside world and failed to record the various apparitions that happened in the city of Kuldhara.

For two days, all members of the ghost hunter team feel the awesomeness of this old city.

Almost all the team members hear strange noises, sightings of supernatural beings, until a very scary eye gaze.


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