Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Declaration of Stop Defecating Carelessly, Alfedri Invites the Community to Care for Community Movement


(Regent of Siak Alfedri during the Declaration of Open Defecation (SBABS) in Sialang Palas / lin)(Regent of Siak Alfedri during the Declaration of Open Defecation (SBABS) in Sialang Palas / lin) -

SIAK - A healthy lifestyle is a basic need of the community to be promoted in a rural community environment, one of which is through the Healthy Living Community Movement as implemented by the Siak Regency Government through the Siak District Health Office.

Total Community-Based Healthy Toilet (STBM) is one of the supporters of the Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas), because bowel habits are one of the determining factors whether a community's environment is classified as clean or not. Clean environment can prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases including diarrhea, thyroid.

"Behavior plays an important role in determining health status. Non-communicable diseases (PTM) and communicable diseases can actually be prevented by conducting a clean lifestyle," said Regent Siak Alfedri during the Declaration of Open Defecation (SBABS) in Sialang Palas Village, Lubuk Dalam District , Tuesday (08/13/2019).

He continued, the challenges faced by rural sanitation development are generally still related to the behavior and culture of the Indonesian people, namely the behavior of people who are used to defecating in open places, especially into water bodies which are also used for washing, bathing, and other hygienic needs .

Through the Declaration of Open Defecation (SBABS) He hopes that of the 15 villages that have declared themselves (SBAB). To be able to motivate other villages, in carrying out healthy living behaviors by stopping open defecation.

"I appreciate 2 sub-districts namely Dayun and Lubuk Dalam sub-districts that have declared BABS, I hope other sub-districts will soon follow so that all sub-districts in Siak are already Open Defecation Free (ODF) so that Siak district, said healthy regencies can be realized," he said.

Still Alfedri said, In order to improve public health services, the government of Siak Regency, in 2018 has built 30 units of healthy latrines, for 2019 tagging increased by 100 units.

"We are also assisted by Baznas Siak, through a healthy latrine program for underprivileged families. I also hope that the business community through its CSR can also help make healthy latrines for poor families," he explained.

Siak Regency has 14 sub-districts, 9 sub-districts 121 villages. Which has already declared SBABS taking last 2016 , namely Dayun sub-district with 11 villages. Furthermore, in the Lubuk Dalam sub-district from 15 villages in which 1 village from Sabag Auh, 1 village from Bungaraya, 1 from Mempura, Koto gasib, Tualang and Kerinci Kanan.

This activity was attended by the Head of the Siak Regency Health Office, the Head of the Healthy District Forum, the Head of Community Health Centers in Siak Regency, the District Head in Siak Regency, the leaders, Members of DPRD Siak Tarmigan and the Director of Environmental Health of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

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