Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Japanese shop charges Chinese tourists 10 times more for beach equipment due to their bad manners


Japanese shop charges Chinese tourists 10 times more for beach equipment due to their bad mannersJapanese shop charges Chinese tourists 10 times more for beach equipment due to their bad manners -  A Japanese shop owner has ignited outrage online after being caught attempting to rip off Chinese tourists.

Visitors to Miyakojima beach in Okinawa recently noticed a sign outside one shop quoting a price of 20,000 yen (USD 182) for a beach parasol and chairs for Chinese tourists.

Meanwhile, another sign written in Japanese nearby offers the equipment at the normal rate of 2,000 yen.

Rather than back down after being found out, the owner of the shop at first doubled down, defending his decision to local media by claiming that, after 14 years in the business, he was simply sick and tired of Chinese tourists' bad behavior.

"Chinese tourists have terrible manners," RocketNews24 quotes the shop owner as saying.

"I tolerated them for years, but since I didn’t want to lend it to them this time, I decided to charge them ten times more."

When asked if he was not being a tad discriminatory, the owner justified his decision, adding that: "I've experienced a case where five Chinese tourists sat on a chair meant for only one, and breaking the chair. It isn’t discrimination."

But the owner now seems to have changed his decision on the issue following intervention from the local government, after news of the discriminatory went viral.

The sign has been removed and the owner has told local media that he will no longer ask Chinese tourists to pay more for their umbrellas.

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