Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Vice Regent Visit the Teluk Kuantan Penitentiary, 163 People Get Remission, 2 People Directly Free


(Wabup H Halim berfoto bersama/zar)(Wabup H Halim berfoto bersama/zar) -

TELUK KUANTAN - After attending the 74th anniversary, the Deputy Regent of H.Halim attended a general remission for prisoners, at the Kuantan Bay Detention Center, on Saturday (17/8).

Accompanied by Secretary General Dianto Mampanini, Chief Representative of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Head of Kuantan Bay Detention Center, Kuansing Police Chief, Kajari, DPRD Chairperson, Pabung 0203 Inhu-Kuansing, Head of BNN, Assistant, Head of OPD, Setwan, Head of Office, Kabag, Kabid, Head of District, District Head and others.

In his remarks, the Vice Regent stated that giving remission to fostered residents was not merely an easy thing to obtain, nor was it a form of concession so that convicts would be released immediately.

"However, remission is a form of responsibility, to continuously fulfill the obligation to participate in the implementation of the coaching program," he said.

In addition, he said, granting remissions is intended to reduce the negative impact of culture, where criminal conduct can be a stimulant, in dealing with deprivation and destructive effects, and to reduce the level of frustration, so as to minimize security and order disturbances in prisons.

"It is hoped that these prisoners can become useful humans for others, in the Koran it is said" Allah will not change a person's destiny, if that person does not want to change it himself, "he explained.

For that, he invited, let's work and work for a better life. "If in this detention center can work well, then it must be sure that outside there will also be able to become even better," he said.

To these directly free fostered citizens, Halim advised, brothers in re-living life in the midst of the family, and as members of the community, be law-abiding, virtuous and virtuous people and individuals who have meaning and are useful in life and life.

While the Head of the Kuantan Bay Rutan Branch Abdul Rasyid Meliala in his remarks explained, currently the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights has carried out IT-based coaching, so every service especially in proposing remission, parole exemption (PB) through an online application with the Community Database System (SDP).

"This SDP application has been applied in all prisons and remand centers throughout Indonesia," Rasyid said.

He explained, currently there are 327 inhabitants of the Teluk Kuantan Prisom Branch, consisting of 268 Prisoners and 59 others.

"In 2019, the prisoners of the Teluk Kuantan Prison Branch Correctional Institution, which received remissions as many as 163 people and Remission were immediately free of 2 people. With the condition that they have participated in a training program organized by prisons or detention centers, and have served a criminal period of more than 6 months," He said.

Giving Remission, Based on the Decree (SK) of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number PAS-984.PK.01.01.02 Year 2019 concerning General Remission in 2019, "he added.

He added, In carrying out the training of fostered residents, the Lapas also provided various skills to the fostered citizens. So that after leaving here later, they can develop skills that can produce economic value for the family.

"In the Religious Field, the Teluk Kuantan Rutan Branch also provides recitation and recitation of routine recitation. It is hoped that after leaving the prison later, it can become an example and role model for the surrounding community," ***


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