Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Vice Regent Inhu Handed Remission To 380 Guided Prisoners of Class II B Rengat


 (Deputy Regent of Inhu H. Khairizal, SE, M.Si accompanied by Regional Secretary Inhu Ir. H. Hendrizal, SE, M.Sc./azi) (Deputy Regent of Inhu H. Khairizal, SE, M.Si accompanied by Regional Secretary Inhu Ir. H. Hendrizal, SE, M.Sc./azi) -

INHU - In the framework of the 74th Republic of Indonesia Anniversary in 2019, as many as 380 people prisoners (WBP) Class II B Rengat detention house (Rutan), Indragiri Hulu Regency (Inu) received remission (reduced sentence), Saturday 17 August 2019.

The remission is based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia related to PP Number 28 of 2006 and PP Number 99 of 2012 concerning remission or remission.

The remission was given directly by the Deputy Regent of Inhu H. Khairizal, SE, M.Si accompanied by the Regional Secretary Inhu Ir. H. Hendrizal, SE, M.Sc.

In a speech from the ministry of Law and Human Rights read out by Vice Regent Inhu, remission was given as a form of state appreciation for the target people.

"This is because WBP has succeeded in showing behavioral changes and improving quality," he said.

In addition, improving self competence by developing skills in accordance with the theme of the 74th Republic of Indonesia Independence Day, which is superior HR, Advanced Indonesia.

"To all WBP who today get remission, especially those who are free, I congratulate them," he continued.

The Vice Regent also reminded them to keep on trying to increase their faith in God Almighty as a basis for living
life in the midst of family and society.

"As members of the community be a person who is law-abiding, virtuous and who is meaningful and useful in life and life," he concluded. ***

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