Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Conveying Disappointment at the Camat Office, Chairman of PK-KNPI Tualang Tears


Tualang Sub-District Head Zalik Efendi from a distance witnessed hundreds of masses of Tualang youths expressing disappointmentTualang Sub-District Head Zalik Efendi from a distance witnessed hundreds of masses of Tualang youths expressing disappointment - The peak of youth disappointment over the seriousness of the government and the Siak Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) about the employment crisis for local youth in Tualang Subdistrict is mounting.

Dozens of youths who were members of the peaceful demonstration led by the District Leaders of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (PK-KNPI) Tualang and followed by the Barisan Muda Tualang, the Youth Youth Association of Tualang, and other youths in the Industrial City appeared orderly to submit demands on the Office page Camat Tualang, Wednesday, August 21, 2019.

When the action took place, Chairperson of PK-KNPI Tualang, Ika Rahman was moved to tears while delivering his complaint to the leader of the Industrial City, to provide solutions and solutions to the local labor crisis that occurred in Tualang District.

"Please pay attention to the fate of your community, Pak Camat, today the highest crime rate in Siak Regency is in Tualang District, to the heart of the father to let us beg in our own country," he said while breaking down tears.

In the midst of the hot sun, the action crowd continued to express their aspirations while waiting for the Tualang Sub-District Head, Zalik Effendi met them in the courtyard of the Tualang Sub-District Office.

Meanwhile, when the protest participants delivered their speeches, Zalik Efendi leaned against the pillar of the Tualang Sub-district Office building while listening to the complaints of the youth in the sub-district he was leading.

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