Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Irina Blok, a woman behind Android's logo


Irina Blok, a woman behind Android's logoIrina Blok, a woman behind Android's logo -  Do you know Android technology?

World wide open source operating system is so widely used by the users of the smartphone technology.

Green robot design logo proved to be created by a woman named Irina Blok. The woman who became the founders of the Android logo began the process of making the Android logo along with his team at Google in 2010.

The logo created in accordance with the appropriateness of the use of this mobile is becoming very popular and known worldwide.

To make the Android logo, Irina studied design from various movies, toys, and sci-fi and spaceaction figuresthemed.

However, it turns out that logo design inspiration emerges from the toilet symbol of men and women in General. With the design of pictograms with simple toilet symbol, can convey the universal message of intent that wants delivered.

After being inspired by the symbol of a toilet, Irina began coding with the symbol. She tried to describe the various forms of pictograms, tried a wide selection of colors and adding an antenna on the head, finally Irina and her colleagues managed to find the Android logo design as we know it today.

Irina and her colleagues at Google decided to make a logo that is open source and can be modified by anyone

As the spirit of the Android system brings the concept of open source, Android-free modified logo also is expected to be one of design cretivity development for the world.

Irina explains the key in making a successful logo is a simple and eternalconcept so that it could continue to be remembered by others.

Versi Mobile
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