Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

A woman didn’t remove her makeup properly makes mites living in her eyelashes


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet -  A 32-year-old woman from Hubei Province, China, experienced itchy and dry eyes with her eyelashes falling off in the past six months, reported Oriental Daily. 

Then, she went to the doctor and found out that there were mites living in her eyelashes. The doctor examined the woman’s eyelashes under a microscope and found that many mites were crawling around at the root of her eyelashes where the meibomian glands are.

The doctor then asked her if she was required to wear makeup at work, and suspected that because of work pressure and an irregular work schedule, she did not remove her makeup properly. 

This resulted in a large number of mites breeding on her eyelashes.

“It is no wonder that in the past six months, my eyes have always felt dry and itchy, and I often have eyelashes falling off,” the woman said.

The doctor then advised her to thoroughly remove her makeup each time she wears it to reduce the chances of mites growing to an abnormal amount. If the condition gets worse and is not treated in time, it will take a long time to recover.

According to Health Line, these mites are called Demodex mites, and they feed on dead skin cells in your hair follicles. Everyone has small amounts of these mites, but they may also become problematic in large quantities, which can then cause further skin issues.

In severe cases, it can even lead to eye lesions – a benign growth on the eye. Additionally, improper removal of makeup can also lead to a series of eye diseases like blepharitis and conjunctivitis.





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