Friday, 19 Apr 2024

This morning, 40 Siak DPRD Members in the 2019-2024 Period were Inaugurated


Inauguration of 40 members of the Regional Parliament of SiakInauguration of 40 members of the Regional Parliament of Siak - 40 members of the Siak Regency Regional Representative Council (DPRD) for the 2019-2024 period will be elected today, Monday 16 September 2019 at the Panglima Ghimbam Siak Building.

The oath taking and appointment will take place in the plenary hall of the Siak Regional Parliament. Thousands of people were present to the location of the inauguration.

Hundreds of Persnonil police from Siak Regional Police also appeared to be guarding the people's representative building which was known to be still in renovation.

"We are out of candis, even though the haze obstructs our view on the trip, we are still enthusiastic to be here, it's a loss if we cannot see the inauguration of the elected legislators every 5 years," said Gultom, a Kandis resident, Monday 16 September 2019 at Gedung Commander of Ghimbam, Siak.
40 members of the council to take the oath, as many as 17 of them are new faces who fill seats in Parliament in Siak.

"As many as 17 new faces and old elected DPRD members will take part in the event, taking place in the Plenary Room," said the Head of Public Relations and Protocol of Siak DPRD, Indra Agus Setiadi.

He said, to take the oath of office itself would be directly taken by the Head of the Siak Bambang Trikoro District Court and the inauguration agenda at around 09.00 WIB. "Directly the Chairman of PN Siak will take the oath of office," he added.

From thousands of invitations, not all guests can enter the induction room. Seen in front of the inauguration room, the committee provides chairs for guests who cannot enter the inauguration room by facilitating the infocus screen.

"The capacity of the space that has been provided is inadequate, the space we use is only capable of entering 300 people. While there are thousands of people present today," he said.

Until this news is published, the inauguration is ongoing.

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