Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

5 Tips to Clean Mr. P to Make Your Partner Happy


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet - Quoted from Men's Health, maintaining penis cleanliness is actually not difficult. Men even have to do it every day while bathing to clean the entire body.

The following 5 steps to clean the penis that can be done by men:

1. Clean pubic hair, skin around the base, and groin folds. Sweat usually collects in the groin near the pubic hair

2. Clean the shaft of the penis

3. If you have the skin as a man who isn't circumcised, be sure to clean this area by removing all smegma. Smegma is a white liquid in the penis produced by sweat glands and dead skin cells

4. Clean the scrotum that wraps the testicles and the surrounding skin

5. Clean the skin near the anus, between the buttocks, and perineum that is between the scrotum and rectum

When cleaning the penis you should use warm water with a mild soap without a certain scent. Don't use soap that causes dry skin or cleans sensitive areas of men too intensively. This risks causing irritation to the penis.



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