Thursday, 18 Apr 2024

Establishment of BUMDes Meranti Is Constrained by Human Resouces ( HD)


IllustrationIllustration - As many as 52 villages in the Meranti Islands Regency haven't to form a village-owned enterprise yet (BUMDes).

Head of the Village Community Empowerment Service (PMD) of the Meranti Islands Ikhwani Regency through the Secretary, Edi M Nur said, the main obstacle was not yet formed in the village bumdes in 52 villages, related to the issue of human resources (HR) to manage BUMDes.

"The obstacle why BUMDes has not yet formed is the quality and availability of adequate human resources to manage BUMDes professionally," said Edi, Friday (10/4/2019).

As is known, BUMDes is a village business institution managed by the village government as well as the community, to strengthen the village economy.

For this reason, Edi said, the role of the village head was important in analyzing opportunities and potential in his village to be developed at BUMDes.

"In principle, I assess the role of the village head to be extra extra here. How does he see natural resources (SDA), how about his human resources, is it potentially not for village development. Now that is not visible" he explained again.

However, Head of Village Economic Business Development and Capital, PMD Meranti Jun Isnaidi said that for villages that have limitations in terms of both HR and potential aspects, there is an opportunity to form a joint BUMDes.

"Assume this is in the worst conditions in a village, they don't have human resources or managers, but the budget is there. They can form BUMDes together with coordinating with other villages that can maximize these funds. But still with the MOU," said Jun Isnaidi.

It is hoped that with this new power will be formed to ensure the sustainability and development of BUMDes and improve the economic level of the village community.

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