Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Kuansing 20th Anniversary, Regent Together with the Community Exploring Nature by Cycling Eight Kilometers


(Kuantan Singingi Regent, Drs H Mursini, M.Si follows a funbike or a relaxing bicycle (photo / zar))(Kuantan Singingi Regent, Drs H Mursini, M.Si follows a funbike or a relaxing bicycle (photo / zar)) -

KUANSING- In the context of celebrating the 20th anniversary of Kuantan Singingi Regency, Kuantan Singingi Regent, Drs H Mursini, M.Si joined the funbike (relaxed bicycle) organized by the Mount Toar District Government.

Funbike, which started from the Gunung Toar sub-district office and route around the villages around Kampung Baru Village, the capital city of Gunung Toar District, traveled a distance of 8 kilometers.

Appear to be present with the Acting Head of the Head of  Social and PMD Department Drs Napisman, The Head of Gunung Toar Sub-district Deflides Gusni, SP, M.Si along with the ranks, ASN in the Gunung Toar Community Health Center, teachers and students in Gunung Toar District.

"I welcome this funbile activity. Because this activity is also a part of a series of local government agendas to enliven the 20th anniversary of Kuansing District. This morning it was also held in Taluk Kuantan, a casual walking activity which was participated by thousands of participants," he said. regent.

Besides being beneficial to health because with funbike and at the same time exercising, the regent of Mursini, also revealed that any form of activity carried out in commemoration of the birthday of Kuansing Regency, it was an expression of gratitude for God's grace and favor given to the entire Kuansing community with the formation of this district .

"Because it is our duty together in the future, especially in the ranks of local government how to make  the people of Kuansing will become more advanced and prosperous going forward. This is the meaning that we can learn from every anniversary of the district," he said. (R24 / Zar)

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