Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

DKP Inhil and Gapoktan Sell Cheap Rice, 3 Tons of Out


Head of Food Security Office when observing Toki Tani Indonesia in Keritang DistrictHead of Food Security Office when observing Toki Tani Indonesia in Keritang District - In order to maintain price stability and supply of staple food as well as strategic, the Department of Food Security (DKP) of Indragiri Hilir Regency (Inhil) in collaboration with the Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan) Community Food Business Development (PUPM) sells cheap rice at the 49th Inhil MTQ event some time ago.

The PUPM program usually always sells rice through the Indonesian Farmers Stores (TTI) which are scattered in remote areas of the country.

Head of DKP Inhil, Fajar Husin through the Food Distribution Section, Sutiyanto, said that the sale of rice was intended to socialize the Ministry of Agriculture program, with PUPM activities through TTI as an effort to maintain the efficiency of the marketing distribution chain by shortening the supply chain.

"TTI itself is a shop or stall or kiosk owned by food commodity traders both individuals and institutions that have experience in the food sector and are determined to sell basic and strategic food commodities at prices according to the provisions," he said.

He said again, PUPM activities indirectly played a role in overcoming the drop in prices at the big harvest and high prices during famine so that it became an instrument made by the government to withstand price fluctuations when supply was abundant or lacking.

"For Inhil Regency, this started in 2016 by involving 3 implementing Gapoktan namely Gapoktan Lapoase Sanglar Village, Gapoktan Maju Bersama Kuala Keritang Village and Lemang Jaya Gapoktan," he said.

Meanwhile for this 2019, the Gapoktan implementing PUPM activities will be carried out by 4 Gapoktan, namely Gapoktan Muara Baru, Benteng Village, Gapoktan Tunas Harapan, Kijang Island Village, Gapoktan Usaha Mandiri, Pulau Kecil Village and Gapoktan Mekar Usaha Sanglar Village. "Alhamdulillah, 3 tons of rice were sold out at MTQ Inhil some time ago," he explained.

To note, the rice sold by Gapoktan is local rice originating from Kijang Island and Sungai Batang with good quality and good taste as well as low prices at a price of Rp9 thousand per kilogram.

The cheap rice is sold by DKP Inhil because Gapoktan has been given operational cost subsidies through APBN funds.

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