Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

After the Riot, Kemenkumham Prepared IDR 6.6 billion for Rehabilitation of Class IIB Prison Detention Center in Siak


Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights representative visit to Class IIB Siak Detention CenterRepublic of Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights representative visit to Class IIB Siak Detention Center - Deputy of the Division and Settlement of LKPP Disclaimer Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) RI Ikak G Patriastomo accompanied by Jamaluddin General Admintrasi Assistant, Government Assistant and People's Welfare of the Regional Secretariat of Siak Regency Budhi Yuwono conducted an inspection at the site of Class II-B Siak Sri Indrapura Detention Center after the great fire a few months ago.

This visit brought a breath of fresh air for officials and residents of Rumah Siak Siak, which is currently entrusted to a number of detention centers and prisons in Riau.

Deputy of the Division and Settlement of LKPP Disclaimer Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) RI Ikak G Patriastomo when met on the sidelines of the visit said, his visit to Siak to see first hand and ensure that Class II Siak remand center was truly worthy of renovation.
"After the Siak prison fire occurred a few months ago, so it cannot be functioned, but we have come to ensure the use of the budget (PA) so that the procurement process can be quickly carried out quickly. We hope that the Siak remand center next year can operate again," said Ikak G Patriastomo in Siak, Monday, October 14, 2019.

He continued, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance for the Development and Restoration of the Pure Siak Rutan using APBN funds with a budget of Rp6.6 billion. It is expected that the next 80 days of work will be carried out with maximum work.

"We have seen firsthand the real condition, the damage from each room, the most severe, office space, musholla five residential rooms. On the visit of the finance ministry we are trusted to use the budget, for the Siak Detention Center is estimated at Rp6.6 billion," he said.

He continued, There are 15 prisons and detention centers throughout Indonesia which have the same rice balls as the Siak Detention Center. After he saw first hand the condition of the Siak Rutan, there were seven items that had to be heavily renovated.

"We agree on what the Regent said, that the Siak Detention Center is immediately operational. This reason is because the fostered people who are scattered in a number of detention centers are located very far away, becoming an obstacle for visiting families," he explained.

All do not want this to be a disaster, but we must face together. With the existing budget he hopes to be carried out as well as possible in accordance with applicable regulations.

We also hope that the tender process will pay attention to the rules and regulations, none of which are not followed, the review and approach have been carried out, so that how the planning is 100 percent done this year. With the hope that the implementation will use the right, right and safe principles.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretariat of Public Administration of the Regional Secretariat of Siak Regency, Jamaluddin, expressed his gratitude to the central government, who had helped to keep the Siak Detention Center rehabilitated.

"We, on behalf of the local government and the Siak people, would like to thank the Deputy, this is the hope of the Siak people. So that this remand can be functionalized again," he said.

He continued, many Siak residents who were fostered residents in the Siak detention center, really hoped that this detention center would be used so that they could see that their siblings were not as bad as they are now. "With the reactivation of the Siak detention center, human rights enforcement and Azazi have returned to normal in Siak," he explained.

Appear to be present with a group of Secretary of the Directorate General of Corrections Ibnu Chuldun, Head of the Riau Kemenkumham Regional Office M. Diyah. Head of Penitentiary Division of Riau Regional Office of Kemenkumham Surung Pasaribu, Head of Administrative Division of Riau Regional Office of Kemenkumham Erfan.

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