Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Introducing the Ideal Marriage Concept, Ministry of Religion Inhil Invite 50 Students


Kasi Bimas Islam Ministry of Religion Inhil gives certificates to participants of premarital adolescent guidanceKasi Bimas Islam Ministry of Religion Inhil gives certificates to participants of premarital adolescent guidance - The Inhil Regency Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) held pre-marital marriage guidance for adolescent marriages of the second generation in the Inhil Ministry of Religion Office Hall, Sunday, October 13, 2019.

As many as 50 students from Indragiri Islamic University (Unisi) and STAI Auliaurasyidin received material related to the concept of an ideal marriage according to applicable regulations.

The Head of the Ministry of Religion Inhil through Kasi Bimas Islam, Hairuddin said, this activity was indeed included in the Ministry of Religion's program of activities in the field of Islamic Community Guidance.

"This activity is to equip teenagers in terms of the ideal household concept, before they enter the marriage stage," he said.

He added, all the material and concepts that had been explained were expected to make it easier for students who were classified as teenagers when they were later entered into marriage relations. "The age of marriage is regulated in our country's regulations, Marriage Law number 1 of 1974," he added.

According to Hairuddin, in accordance with current regulations, the lowest marriage age for a woman is 16 years while for men the minimum age is 19 years. "That's the ideal age according to the law," he continued.

He also reminded, the government has instructed in carrying out marriages or household ties must be based on state and religious law.

"From this activity, we hope they have a foundation, both in the foundation of religion and the foundation of marriage regulations," he said.

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