Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

Ironic! Hundreds of Children Enter the Psychiatric Hospital Because of Game Online Addiction



News24xx.com - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Specialist, West Java Provincial Mental Hospital (RSJ), dr. Lina Budiyanti said there were 11 symptoms for children who experience gadget addiction in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) V. Some of them can be recognized from daily behavior.

"Children play games to escape from discomfort. Then the second hour of game use is disproportionate," Lina said when met in Cisarua, Tuesday (15 October 2019).

Lina said, the recommended hours are no more than two hours. The characteristics of children who are addicted to playing gadgets usually more than six hours per day.

Every month, the Mental Hospital in West Java handles dozens of children and teenagers who are addicted to cellphones.

He also advised parents to immediately check the mental health of children to a psychiatrist if they find these early symptoms.

"Patients who are addicted to playing the game, are more concerned with the game than doing other positive things. If the children should learn but it is ignored," she said.

Children rage or cry when taken gadgets that they hold, said Lina, can also a sign that the child has begun to become addicted.

Parents must be sensitive to the behavior of their children who like to play games on gadgets. Do not let, children experience addictions that have an impact on psychological health.

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