Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Many Damaged Roads, Transportation Deprtment of Kuansing Said the Repairation is the Central Authority


(Head of Transportation Agency (Kadishub) Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing), Asmari, S. Sos (photo / int))(Head of Transportation Agency (Kadishub) Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing), Asmari, S. Sos (photo / int)) -

KUANSING- The condition of the highway in Kuantan Singingi Regency (Kuansing), Riau Province is still of great concern. There are many holes and bumpy roads that endanger the driver.

Like on the road all the way from Kuantan Bay to Kiliranjao, and so do other areas. Based on data from the Ministry of Transportation, that for vehicles weighing 10 Tons of Unloaded Axis (MST), that the National road classification in Kuansing is Class C.

"The result is overlapping, or the durability of the road is not in accordance with the load or tonnage of the vehicle," said Head of the Transportation Department (Kadishub) Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing), Asmari, S. Sos when contacted Riau24.Com.

When asked, what Transportation Agencyhave done for vehicles that exceeded the tonnage, so that many damaged the road in Kuansing. "According to him, for the National Road the Ministry of jurisdiction, the Provincial Road is the authority of  Provincial Government, and the Regency Road is the District Authority," he said.

"For national road control, there is a weigh bridge, for vehicles exceeding tonnage, there will certainly be rules, for example, a fine is imposed, which is the electronic payment system by the ministry," he explained.

When asked, why the supervision was ineffective and judged to be lacking, the proof was that many vehicles passing in Kuansing exceeded tonnage. Kadishub Kuansing said he had taken action.

"We have carried out string tests or fined overloaded, together with the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP, and Transportation itself," he said. (R24 / Zar)

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