Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Heartbreaking! This Woman Was Divorced by Her Husband Due to Birth Defective Baby, the Mayor of Surabaya Became Sad


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet

A sad viral story befalls a woman named Dina Oktavia. Her husband could divorce her only because she gave birth to a disabled baby. The sad story also makes Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini touched and intervened.

 The Mayor of Tri Rismaharini intervened to provide assistance to Dina Oktavia (21) and her baby with hydrocephalus.

Surabaya City Population Control, Empowerment and Child Protection (DP5A) Head of Office, Chandra Oratmangun said that Surabaya City Government provided intervention assistance to Dina Oktavia and her family.

"From the beginning in the form of BPJS PBI assistance (Recipient of Donation Assistance), the client has also been accompanied by the Mojo Community Health Center, both mentoring the mother's psychology and caring for the baby," Chandra said, Monday (2 Desember 2019).

Not long ago, Pandhu underwent VP Shunt surgery on the head. Chandra said, Pandhu was covered using fees from BPJS PBI.

In addition to receiving BPJS PBI assistance, Dina Oktavia's family also received assistance from the Sub-District Co-Administration and PKH assistance from the Social Service.

"Since October, Dinsos Surabaya friends have also provided PSR assistance and special milk assistance for the nutrition of their children and their grandmothers who have also received food programs," Chandra explained.

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