Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Pekanbaru City Satpol PP Regulates Street Vendors in These Nine Locations


(Satpol-PP Kota Pekanbaru conducts routine patrols on several roads in Pekanbaru City (R24 / rls))(Satpol-PP Kota Pekanbaru conducts routine patrols on several roads in Pekanbaru City (R24 / rls)) -

PEKANBARU - The Pamong Praja Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Pekanbaru City regulates the street vendors (PKL) almost every day. Today, Pekanbaru Satpol PP officers curb street vendors in nine locations.

Pekanbaru Satpol PP Head Agus Pramono, Thursday (1/16/2020), said that routine patrols are held to maintain public order. Street vendors who sell on sidewalks and roadways are the main targets every day.

"There are seven locations controlling street vendors. One more retraction of the Flamboyan Housing banner without airing date. We confiscated three banners," he said.

Whereas the first target of controlling street vendors in the Agus Salim Market. Then, the policing is continued to street vendors who sell alongside Pekanbaru 1 SMKN, precisely on Jalan Gunung Agung.

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After there, control of street vendors continued to seaweed ice street vendors on Jalan Hang Tuah. Then, fried street vendors are disciplined on Jalan Diponegoro.

"We secured a table," said Agus.

Furthermore, Satpol PP personnel discipline the street vendors who sell jackets on Jalan Pattimura. Street vendors continue to the front of the Bustanul Ulum Campus on Jalan Bukit Raya.

"We also discipline street vendors in Jenderal Sudirman street, Jalan Soebrantas street, and Ahmad Yani street," Agus said. (R24 / put)


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