Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Heartbreaking; Powerloess to Endure Hunger, This 75-year-old Grandfather Was Found Dead Cuddled Up Near a Rock Pile


Ambo Tang's grandfather was found dead curled up in hungerAmbo Tang's grandfather was found dead curled up in hunger - A grandfather named Ambo Tang (75) was found in a curled up position near a mountain of stone piles in the Borongloe Hamlet, Bontorappo Village, left worrying.

Unfortunately, Ambo Tang's grandfather died of starvation.

Such unfortunate events should not occur, because it is the duty of every central and regional government leader to pay attention to its citizens.

After this unfortunate incident occurred, South Sulawesi Deputy Governor Andi Sudirman Sulaiman now expressed his sadness over the death of one of his people, named Ambo Tang.

In addition, Andi has ordered his staff to distribute assistance in the form of food to the family of the deceased.

"We as the government should detect information on the condition of his family before the incident. I hope that similar incidents do not happen again," Andi said.

Andi also asked all regents and mayors in South Sulawesi to be more serious in handling poor people.

Andi also reminded the legislators to oversee and direct the budget allocation to the sector handling the poor for greater.

The budget allocation for handling the poor must be greater if the region is included in the special attention zone of South Sulawesi's top 10 poverty ranks.

Cases like this should be a shared reflection that there are still such things in this country.

Not only the government must pay attention, at least the residents or close neighbors must also contribute.

At least a case like this is known to be around the community, at least the residents who are in that place report to the local government.

Until similar cases do not occur to anyone who is a legitimate Indonesian citizen in the eyes of the Act becomes the responsibility of the government.

Now, Ambo Tang's body has been buried in the Bontorappo Hamlet Public Cemetery (TPU) on Friday.


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