Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Married With Immature and Irresponsible Man, This Woman's Household Was Failed on Her 12th Wedding Day


Photo: InternetPhoto: Internet -The sad story was experienced by a bride from Malang, NM (23).

NM must accept the fact that her marriage failed right on the twelfth day.

This story was first shared by NM through a private social media, Monday (20 January 2020).

Reporting from, NM uploads have been distributed more than 18 thousand times and liked more than 47 thousand people.

NM first got to know her husband in 2018 from a friend.

Over time, the relationship between the two is getting closer.

In April 2019, NM was proposed. NM was surprised so she could not give an answer in a short time.

"But I didn't answer right then, I asked for time to think," continued NM.

After discussing with her parents, NM then accepts her lover's proposal.

At that time, NM's boyfriend went straight to her parents to convey her good intentions.

During the marriage preparation process, NM has not found any irregularities in her husband's attitude.

She and her husband really enjoyed their process of marriage.

In fact, at each meeting NM said, she and her husband always discussed their marriage preparations enthusiastically.

However, irregularities began to occur at 30 days before the marriage.

NM and husband disagreed until they both had a big fight.

At that time she was surprised to see the attitude of her husband when angry.

"What is her high tone, how is her index finger pointing, and I didn't expect that she would dare push me," NM said.

"Shocked. Half died shocked," she added.

Even though he has been treated harshly, NM is trying to keep it hidden because her marriage is only a matter of days.

Not only that, when the wedding date draws near, NM finds Whatsapp husband's conversation with the closest person who is still a family.

In the chat, the husband complained that NM continued to work on holidays.

In fact, before that NM had discussed it and her husband allowed it.

NM was surprised by the attitude of the man.

"All I know is, he said he likes women who want to work, he likes women who are independent, and he likes my work," she said.

"Confused, angry but can't," continued NM.

At that time, NM wanted to immediately discuss the problems it faced with her husband but again he undo. She plans to discuss their problems carefully after they get married.

Nevertheless, before his marriage, NM claimed not to stop feeling scared and anxious.

However, all her fears were muffled by the words 'Valid!' in a marriage contract.

On the third day of the wedding, everything went normally.

Both are still equally taking time off and enjoying time together at home.

Then on the fourth day, NM said, the husband visited his friend's house and returned late at night.

Her husband immediately slept and seemed to stay away.

NM is still trying to think positively.

Until finally on the fifth day, NM's husband suddenly said he would go to work, even though his leave schedule was not yet finished.

"Even though that day was also a commemoration of 'sepasar', said the Javanese," said NM.

"So before the bride and groom are not allowed to work first," she continued.

Then, the husband suddenly announced he would sleep in his parents' home.

NM felt strange but she relents to overtake her husband.

In fact, NM also brought a lot of food to the people in his in-laws' house.

However, NM claimed not to be welcomed by her husband's family.

That attitude was very different from their attitude before NM got married.

Oddities are increasingly felt by NM every day.

Even the husband had chosen to sleep in front of the television rather than in her rroom.

Until finally on the 12th day, NM experienced vomiting, but her husband did not pay any attention.

Finally, because he felt increasingly weak, NM called her parents to pick her up.

After that, NM tried to notify her husband to say that she was sick and was at her parents' house.

NM asks her husband to follow but her husband refuses.

She finally revealed all her heart to the husband.

Her husband just said sorry and did not react to anything.

Seeing her daughter's condition, NM's father immediately met her son-in-law's family.

When NM's husband was called by a family member, he only said that he could not continue his marriage again.

Through a short message, NM's husband said that he still had trauma that had not yet disappeared.

"I don't understand what trauma he has but he never failed a marriage," NM said.

Furthermore, NM plans to submit the cancellation of marriage and divorce.

Until now, NM said, the men and their families had not yet met him.



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