Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Acting Insolent; Farting in Front of His Neighbors, Husband and Wife in Padang Were Slashed to Critical


Victim while being treated in hospitalVictim while being treated in hospital - A married couple named Feri Giawa (46) and Nova Risna Dewi (41) were hacked by their neighbors. Both are still being treated at M Jamil Padang Hospital. Feri's two fingers broke because he was struck with sickles to his critical condition while his wife Risna was seriously injured in the ear. While the actor named Anton Setiawan (37) has been secured in Lubeg Police Station.

Lubeg Police Chief AKP Andi P Lorena said the perpetrators were arrested after police received information from residents. The stabbing took place at the residence of a married couple in the Bandes of Batu Kasek, Pengambiran Ampalu Nan Dua Puluh Sub-District, Lubuk Begalung District, Padang City, Wednesday morning (22 January 2020).

From the information obtained by the police, the dispute between neighbors was allegedly because of only trivial matters. The perpetrator named Anton Setiawan was very upset, did not accept the harassment by the victim Feri Giawa. Imagine, a victim with a brash fart in the head of the perpetrator.

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The perpetrator then went to the victim's house with a knife and sickle. When at home, the perpetrator met the victim while he was sleeping in his room. That's when the perpetrator hacked the victim's husband first.

"When bickering, they separated the victim's wife who is also the younger brother of the perpetrator himself, so that the victim's wife itself," he said.

As a result of the stabbing, the victim suffered wounds in several parts of the body. Until now, both are still being treated at the hospital.

While the perpetrators claimed there were no other problems with the married couple. But he was only so annoyed because he had been treated twice politely by the victim, who was also his sister's husband.

"I was hurt, I was twice farted in my face, so I chopped," Anton said.


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