Thursday, 18 Apr 2024

Stop the habit of playing mobile on the toilet, this is the reason


Stop the habit of playing mobile on the toilet, this is the reasonStop the habit of playing mobile on the toilet, this is the reason - Many people who can not escape an instant item from their cellphones. In fact, when in the toilet there were also some people who continued to play mobile phones. If you are among those who like to play mobile while in the toilet, you should stop the habit now. Here are the reasons.

1. Bacteria, Germs, and Viruses

In our hands there are about five thousand bacteria, germs, and viruses. The little creature in our hands can move easily to the objects we touch, one of which is a cellphone. The bathroom is a nest of bacteria. Door handles, water taps, toilets, and flush sticks are affixed with bacteria, germs, and viruses.

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When we enter the bathroom, we must hold the objects above. At that time, bacteria, germs, and viruses in the object will move into our hands. Playing a cellphone in the toilet will make bacteria, germs, and viruses in the toilet stick to our cellphones. The cellphone gets dirty too.

2. Water and Steam Splashes

When we flush urine and feces, the water used can splash and hit our cellphones. In fact, the water that has been mixed with urine and feces contains a lot of bacteria. When we flush urine and feces in the toilet, there will be a vapor filled with bacteria, germs, and viruses that fly. The vapors can hit our cellphones and make them dirty.

Therefore, we should break the habit of carrying a cellphone to the toilet. After all, toilets are not a comfortable place to play cellphones.


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