Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Frequently Being Intimidated at School, Athiwat Stayed Sacrifice His Lives, Dispelling Mass Shooter in Thailand


AthiwatAthiwat -
From the brutal shooting incident in Thailand, there is a story that is so heroic.f

From all of the victims, there was a teenager who was a rescuer of a villain from a vicious act of soldiers in a mall some time ago.

He tried to block the criminal, without fear of being shot dead.

The sad story of the teenager is told by his best friend until he cries and knelt beside the body he called a hero.

According to, the teenager was named Athiwat Promsuk. At the time of the incident, he was in a cold room with other residents on 9 February.

Gunmen suspected of shooting carried out the action to enter the mall visitors.

Athiwat then tried to prevent the shooter from entering the room.

While eight other people in the room took the opportunity to escape.

Athiwat's classmate, who was also at the mall that day, witnessed his friend die in a shooting incident.

He was surprised, until he knelt while crying.

He said Athiwat was "a hero who saved eight lives".

In fact, according to him Athiwat was often intimidated at school.

But Athiwat was never angry.

"He often gets good grades and is a good person," added his friend.



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