Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

With the Maghrib Recitation Program and Tahfiz House, Kabag Kesra Yakin Inhil Become Qari and Qariah Barns


Head of Kesra Inhil, HM ArifinHead of Kesra Inhil, HM Arifin - Tembilahan - With the program of the Regency Government (Pemkab) Indragiri Hilir (Inhil), Riau namely the Koran Magrib and 1 Village 1 House of Tahfiz, the Head of the Community Welfare Division (Kesra) Inhil believes the State of the Thousand Trenches will again become a bread block of qari and qariah.

This optimism was conveyed by the Former Secretary of the Plantation Service on Friday (21 February 2020), which according to Arifin in due course Inhil will return to become the barn of Qari and Qariah and Hafiz Hafizah.

"This belief is certainly not a mere fantasy, because the strategic, real and measurable programs launched by the Regency Government under the leadership of HM Wardan and Syamsudin Uti", said Arifin.

With the existence of the evening prayer movement and 1 village of 1 tahfiz house, Arifin was said to be able to give birth to Qari Qariah and Hafiz Hafizah.

"Because of this noble program, it is not only apparent, but the realization is very encouraging because it has the support of all elements of society," Arifin said.

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